• Jean-Philippe Boussemart, Salomé Kahindo, Raluca Parvulescu: "L’impact de l’inflation sur la distribution des gains de productivité de l’agriculture française"  DT2024-01
  • Yoan Wallois: "Don’t look up but look at what we have done: A worldwide story of environmental regulation" DT2024-02
  • Nicolas Debarsy, Julie Le Gallo: "The empirical content of spatial spillovers: Identification issues" DT2024-03
  • Nicolas Debarsy, Vincenzo Verardi, Catherine Vermandele: "Semiparametrically Efficient Estimation of Regression Models with Spillovers" DT2024-04
  • Claire Naiditch, Radu Vranceanu: "Migrant smuggling to Europe: A two-sector model with directed search" DT2024-05