Documents de travail 2017
- Oskar KOWALEWSKI, Piotr ŚPIEWANOWSKI:"Stock market response to potash mine disasters" DP2017-01
- Yasser MOULLAN, Xavier CHOJNICKI: "Is there a “Pig Cycle” in the labour supply of doctors ? How training and immigration policies respond to physician shortages"DP2017-02
- Kristiaan KERSTENS, Zhiyang SHEN, Ignace VAN DE WOESTYNE: "Comparing Luenberger and Luenberger-Hicks-Moorsteen Productivity Indicators : How Well is Total Factor Productivity Approximated ?" DP 2017-03
- Kristiaan KERSTENS, Ignace VAN DE WOESTYNE: "Enumeration algorithms for FDH directional distance functions under different returns to scale assumptions" DP 2017-04
- Estelle BELLITY, Fabrice GILLES, Yannick L’HORTY: "Does practicing literacy skills improve academic performance in first-year university students ? Results from a randomized experiment" - version révisée DP 2017-05
- Jean-Philippe BOUSSEMART, Hervé LELEU, Zhiyang SHEN, Vivian VALDMANIS: "Performance analysis for three pillars of sustainability" DP 2017-06
- Tomas BALEŽENTIS, Kristiaan KERSTENS, Zhiyang SHEN: "An Environmental Luenberger-Hicks-Moorsteen Total Factor Productivity Indicator for OECD Countries" DP 2017-07
- Jean-François FAGNART, Marc GERMAIN, Benjamin PEETERS: "Can the Energy Transition Be Smooth ?" DP 2017-08
- Jean-Philippe BOUSSEMART, Cyprien DAKOUO, Hervé LELEU: "Comparaison des performances productives entre la zone Euro et les autres pays de l’OCDE" DP2017-09
- Mamadou BOUKARI: Opportunistic Policies and Electoral Outcomes : Are there Non-Linear Effects ?" DP2017-10
- Nicolas DEBARSY, James P. LESAGE: "Flexible dependence modeling using convex combinations of different types of connectivity structures" DP2017-11
- Mamadou BOUKARI: "Inefficient policies and short term bias : why we need Optimism" DP2017-12
- Adnane ALAOUI, Véronique FLAMBARD: "Sensorial Marketing : A Comparison between UK and France" DP2017-13
- Véronique FLAMBARD: "Housing Allowances : Still Struggling to Make Ends Meet" DP2017-14
- Véronique FLAMBARD: "Demand for housing choices in the North of France : a discrete approach" DP2017-15
- Mamadou BOUKARI, Daniel CAKPO-TOZO, Etienne FARVAQUE: "“Oh dear ! Oh dear ! I shall be too late !” Popularity Gains as an Incentive to Legislate Frantically ?" DP2017-16
- Etienne FARVAQUE, Franck MALAN, Piotr STANEK: "Misplaced Childhood : When Depression Babies Grow Up As Central Bankers " DP2017-17
- Kristiaan KERSTENS, Jafar SADEGHI, Ignace VAN DE WOESTYNE: "Convex and Nonconvex Input-Oriented Technical and Economic Capacity Measures : An Empirical Comparison " DP2017-18
- Fabrice GILLES, Sabina ISSEHNANE: "Evaluating the impact of subsidized temporary jobs on labor contract. Evidence from France " DP 2017-19
- Jean-Philippe BOUSSEMART, Gary D. FERRIER, Hervé LELEU, Zhiyang SHEN: "An Expanded Decomposition of the Luenberger Productivity Indicator with an Application to the Chinese Healthcare Sector " DP 2017-20
- Walter BRIEC, Kristiaan KERSTENS, Ignace Van de WOESTYNE: "Hypercongestion in Production Correspondences : An Empirical Exploration " DP2017-21
- Mamadou BOUKARI: "Is strategic optimism good for long term policies ? "- version révisée DP2017-22
- Jean-Philippe BOUSSEMART, Hervé LELEU, Edward MENSAH, Karina SHITIKOVA: "Technological catching-up and growth convergence among US industries " DP2017-23
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